An area of economic and scientific excellence
Orléans' economic landscape includes several major areas of activity: IT- electronics - instrumentation, pharmaceutics - cosmetics, transport - logistics and environment.
The university classified by the Shanghai Ranking in 2019.
The synergy between research, high-level training and industry brings talents together
Four competitiveness clusters boosted by research
The economic landscape of Orléans Métropole is based around four competitiveness clusters renowned the world over:
- S2E2: Electric Energy Systems and Sciences;
- Elastopôle: The French cluster for the rubber and polymers sector;
- DREAM: Durability of water resources associated with the environment;
- Cosmetic Valley, for which Orléans is the capital.
Economic and scientific success are closely linked. Orléans counts 88 public and private laboratories including BRGM (the mining and geological research bureau), IFEN (the French environment institute), CNRS (the national scientific research institute), INRA (the national agronomic research institute), Servier, Novartis, Famar France and Pfizer.
A range of very dynamic business sectors
Besides the competitiveness clusters, other sectors have also been putting in strong performances in Orléans, for example:
- Orléans Métropole accounts for 70% of French production for the pharmaceutical sector;
- The logistics sector brings together 406 specialist businesses (including Deret, Norbert Dentressangle and Amazon) making Orléans the fourth logistics platform in France;
- French Tech Loire Valley: Lab’O, a 14,000 m² platform unique in France, constitutes one of the biggest growth accelerators with its IndustryLab and is home to some 100 startups;
- Innovation through services (the Nekoe cluster).
With 9,400 industrial, commercial and service industry establishments, metropolitan Orléans is in the Top 10 of GDPs recorded for French conurbations.